Day #72: Missing a Friend

There are some people in my life with whom, even though they aren’t present every day or even every year, I feel a solid connection. Part of my writer’s group for many years (begun in Maureen LaJoy’s class), I kept in touch with Terry Lovaas. We didn’t agree on politics, or religion, or what we were writing about, but I respected him. We had lively conversations. We read each other’s manuscripts and gave honest, forward-moving critiques. We worked together on videography projects that made us both proud. Terry was brilliant and caring and an inspired dad and husband. He passed away yesterday, still a young man. He will be missed by a legion of friends and writing group members, and his family. I’m grateful Terry is a part of my story. I’m going to miss hearing him laugh, wondering what he would write next. Fare well, Mr. Lovaas. You were one-of-a-kind.

Terry Lovaas

4 thoughts on “Day #72: Missing a Friend”

  1. Hi Vicki. I had not seen this but Adam googled his dad the other day and mentioned that you had written something. Thank you. I appreciate your kind words. We miss him every day and we will always miss him. There was nobody like Terry! I hope you and Steve are well.

  2. Do you know what year Maureen LaJoy was born. I know she died in 1996. But what day. I wrote a little piece about her many years ago and thought it should have a picture with her birth and death. Still love her. Still miss her.


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