Girls Solve Everything

Girls Solve EverythingReading this book, I jumped up and down with excitement. I kept turning the pages until I had read every one of the true stories. My brain revved into high speed as I learned about girls and women, problem solving and innovating, with resulting programs like Teach for America, Childline India, RandomKid, and Technovation Challenge. What could I do? How could I make a difference?

Catherine Thimmesh has a talent (Girls Think of Everything) for selecting the charismatic women and programs to feature, researching to distill information the reader wants to know, and telling true stories concisely. Melissa Sweet illustrates portraits and concepts with her well-known brilliance, adding to our understanding. Together, the book becomes a whole that moves the reader to action.

up all night reading
up all night reading

What a book! Treat yourself to these inspiring stories of smarts, bravery, persistence, and derring-do.

Girls Solve Everything:
Stories of Women Entrepreneurs Building a Better World
written by Catherine Thimmesh
illustrated by Melissa Sweet
Clarion Books, 2022
ISBN 978-0358106340
ages 10 through adult

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